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The Organisation of Students′ Independent Work in the Process of the Formation of Their Professional Qualities in Additional Foreign Language Education

Table 1 - The structure of a training session


The main characteristics of the stage

The introductory and motivational phase

The students realise the main purpose of the forthcoming study of the topic of IW in the field of language learning, its place and role in the professional education, its practical and theoretical significance. The teacher guides students in the selected learning materials for IW. The students are required, first of all, to be psychologically ready for independent work.

The operational and cognitive stage

Mastering the language knowledge included in the contents of the studied language topic independently, using different types and forms of academic work: essays, research papers on certain aspects, exercises that develop the ability to use unknown vocabulary correctly. The teacher constantly guides and evaluates the IW of the student team.

The reflexive-evaluation stage

The study of the thematic material. The general summarisation of the results of work on the given topic. The main task is to develop the students' ability to analyse and synthesise the acquired knowledge, to self-assess reflexively, to develop the students' ability to select adequate methods and the techniques of IW, to evaluate the results of their activities. The final stage. The student plans his/her actions to perform independent tasks, realises and corrects his mistakes.

the methodology of L.M. Friedman and I.Y. Kulagina