Research article
Issue: № 1 (1), 2023


The article dwells on the issue of the communicative culture of the English language future teacher. The educational process as an integral system is a structure, elements considering the subjects of the educational process, and their connecting link is a purposeful interaction focusing on the future English language teacher communicative culture in a bilingual environment. It is proven that the logic of organization of the formation process of the communicative culture of future English language teachers under the educational process conditions is one constructed in three stages. An analysis of the research on the relevant issue made it possible to reveal some contradictions between a multitude of empirical facts in the area under study and the lag of pedagogical science behind their theoretical and methodological comprehension; readiness for future English language teachers to master communicative culture and lack of scientifically grounded recommendations for its implementation in mono- and multiethnic groups; an increase in the need for teachers with well-developed communication skills in the state language (Tajik and English as the language of interethnic communication) and lack of an adequate, scientifically grounded and methodically thought-out system for training a future teacher in pedagogical universities.

1. Introduction

It is well-grounded that the topic and issue dealing with younger generation training and education is the most fundamental one under the conditions of contemporary communities. Permanently, under enlighteners' and thinkers' angle, the issues beset with straightforward directions and approaches to foreign language teaching and students' communicative competence a series of writings and inscriptions associated with the theme of the corpus of our study were written and published; the young generation remains a care of great prospective part in any society. Luckily, the Tajikistan Republic Government is focused on the issue under discussion. Of course, the message of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, his Reverence Emomali Rahmon to Majlisi Oli (the Supreme Council) approved on January 26, 2021, is devoted to the national programme “On Foreign Languages Teaching, including English and Russian”


It is worth stressing that the core mission of the higher educational system of our country lies in the materialization of a specialist's creative personality which requires many learners, pupils, students, and master's degree students with high quality and proficiency in the field of education and innovation. CC (communicative competence) is considered to be basic knowledge of the notions of speech linguistics, skills and abilities of text analysis and speech communication structurally and traditionally concerning various areas and situations of the sphere in question. “Regarding the communicative culture of the statement, we underscore the fact that the culture of humanity has evaluated a particular form of diffusion of socially significant data. It should be noted that the corpus of our study is bound to get interaction and mutual understanding in the process of communication. Existing in the form of rules, regulations, codes, and symbols that represent the language of communication there is a historically established form of communication – that of etiquette”

has been fixed among people.

It, the targeted vocation and profession acquired and the quality of functions are possessed by experts and specialists of the relevant sphere being mastered by them with essential understanding, proficient talents and aptitudes both theoretically and practically. Relying on the results obtained and grave inferences done some beset with the theme explored h were conducted, so we decided to get rid of the repetition of certain statements and opinions expressing the already solved solution of the issues dealing with the theme in collective accomplishments


The subject and object of the corpus of our study is the determination of communicative culture, as it formulates the way to human activity there is a need to link the communicative-speech activity of the English language future teacher with his/her general culture; the former's actions as will characterize himself/herself.

The objective of the corpus of our study is the analysis of the creation of a wide environment aimed at the multi-subject dialogue in the educational process, the latter will ensure students' independence and self-confidence development, pedagogical reflection and conviction in the correctness of personal and professional choice and conditions for a manifestation of creativity in pedagogical activity; the letters being taken into account as well.

2. Research methods and principles

To make our study convincible a visual method of research was used; at the same time, synchronic and diachronic analyses were resorted to as well.

Namely, the communicative culture of the English language future teacher is considered to be a multidimensional, multimodal concept and the system that reflects both the internal state of individuality and its external manifestations in society; hereby, one can determine it as a system acting as a measure and method of pedagogical ethics formation against the background of professional activity. A peculiarity of professional activity manifests itself in activity as a unity of reflection, expression and implementation of both external and internal tendencies in the life of individuality

. The activity being a value-based way of modelling and self-realization by a person of activity, communication and behaviour permeates all aspects of the educational process connecting educational process organization and development of methods of assimilation of educational material and a scientific worldview development on the relevant basis since the problems of professional activity development of students` are implemented mainly through organization of their educational, labor and social activities.

Methodological grounds for the design and implementation of technology for communicative culture development of students who study at pedagogical universities under the conditions of bilingualism can be formulated in the form of the following provisions:

1. In the language training of pedagogical university students, a competency-based approach should be used that meets the requirements of a modern paradigm for training specialists.

With a competence-based approach to the educational process in a bilingual environment at a university we are talking about the communicative competence formation of future teachers including linguistic and information-communicative competence for the development of which it is necessary to form and elaborate communicatively and professionally significant skills and abilities (in particular, oral skills), and written communication in telecommunication networks, grammatical skills, mastery of vocabulary in the studied speciality, etiquette, ability to abstract and annotate authentic texts, etc.). It is rational to use three levels of competence and, accordingly, three levels of mastering with individual competencies such as: low, medium, high.

2. Selection and structure of educational information in the second language should be carried out while taking into account its competence-oriented significance. Within the framework of the competence-based approach, the definition of the content of education in the field of languages in a pedagogical institution should be based on the competence model of a specialist, which, along with general (key) competencies contains a system of professionally significant competencies, knowledge, abilities, skills and personality traits of a specialist. Competence-oriented information significance components are communication-oriented and professional significance.

3. Technology of competence-based language training for university students should be based on the principles of communicative learning, implemented using computer support.

While creating computerized courses, pedagogical software and electronic textbooks must be remembered that all components of the educational and methodological complex should meet several principles and requirements.

The following principles of building computerized courses are distinguished: dynamism, purposefulness, organization, integrity, and evolution. The following didactic requirements for pedagogical software are formulated: scientific content, accessibility, adaptability, systematicity and consistency of teaching, computer visualization of educational information, consciousness of learning, independence and activation of activities, the strength of the assimilation of learning outcomes, interactive dialogue, development of intellectual potential, suggestive feedback.

3. Discussion

One of the most important components of pedagogical education is considered to be a teacher's communicative culture development: in conformity with scientists in the field of cultural studies and pedagogy, the above-mentioned component is an integral and necessary part of his/her general, cultural and professional competence. At the same time, the formation of professionally important qualities making the future teacher capable of acting as an effective participant in intercultural communication is of fundamental importance for the modern method of vocational pedagogical education as well

. Communicative competence of graduates of pedagogical universities is formed at a sufficiently high level and opens up prospects dealing with further educational and research activities and the study of world experience in the field of professional activity, implementation of business and professional contacts in a multilingual environment determines the readiness of future teachers to mastering multilingual communicative culture profoundly.

Communicative competence is introduced into the structure of social competence as one of the components highlighting operational social, verbal, socio-psychological (orientation in interpersonal relationships) and ego competence (self-knowledge)

. V.N. Kunitsina emphasizes the idea that the unity of communicative and verbal competence in their practical manifestation defines verbal competence as the appropriateness of statements taking into account the context and subtext of statements and absence of difficulties in both oral and written speech, variability in interpretation of information, good orientation in the sphere of evaluative stereotypes and templates, multiplicity of meanings of the notions being resorted to metaphorical nature of speech

As far as we are concerned, we stick to the idea that “…one of the most central modules of academic tutelage lies in the development of TCC. According to some scientists' statements and opinions, such kinds of components are considered to be a vital and compulsory part of its broad-spectrum, rational and proficient one. The formation of a future teacher's professional qualities who acted as effective accomplices in intercultural communication possesses the basic prominence of the new methods of teaching FL aimed at students` communicative competence”


The educational process as an integral system is a structure, elements considering the subjects of the educational process, and their connecting link is a purposeful interaction focusing on the future English language teacher's communicative culture in a bilingual environment.

The integrity of the system is emphasized by the needs for all of its connections. The exclusion of any link from the system leads to a state of inoperability. All links of the system are built in a logical sequence according to the step-by-step and successive construction of the structure of the purposeful educational process. The change of position of any link destroys the integrity and consistency of the system. Designing on the premise of the logic of organization of the process of communicative culture formation of the English language future teacher under the conditions of the educational process that one is constructed in three stages:

Firstly, the diagnostic and constructive stage. The diagnostic component of the stage is aimed at canvassing a learning situation in the group for motivational, cognitive, and technological attitudes and readiness for the process of communicative culture formation. It should be mentioned that the constructive component is focused on building a model for an integral component formation beset with professional and pedagogical interaction of subjects of the educational process of a communicative orientation as a structural element towards information and communication culture and its criterion indicator.

Proceeding from its differential structural elements, we should bear in mind that the activity of teacher and student has its characteristics expressed in the integral components of activity. To analyze and assess the learning situation in the group the teacher develops diagnostic tools with the help of traditional methods of pedagogical research (observation, questionnaire, testing, express survey, interview) and active (game exercises, psychological and pedagogical pieces of training, immersion in educational and professional situation), reveals the level of understanding of the pedagogical category referred as to "information and communication culture" and the level of its formation. It allows you to plan the educational process, purposefully selecting its content, methods and means. The content of the initial stage of the educational process is based on a solution of standard educational tasks and educational situations that allow the teacher to adapt the student to created conditions and organize the stage of his inclusion in information and communication activities. The teacher's assessment of student's activities at this stage is emotionally supportive. In turn, the student under external influence implements his activity to create positive motivation and a pronounced focus on the process of communicative culture formation.

The main meaningful unit of a student's activity is expressed in a divided action that a student can perform an activity only in conjunction with a teacher in terms of its essence. At the same time, such a form of activity can be reproduced when a student fully reproduces the teacher's actions or a sequential character, when the student is allowed to independently perform a feasible stage of activity, regardless of its logical location in an integral system.

Thus, at the first stage, the planning and organizational function of the teacher controls the adaptive-reproductive nature of interaction, developing the transformation of the educational process to a new stage in the process of communicative culture formation logically.

Secondly, the activity stage is realized through an organic combination of three categorically significant pedagogical phenomena including teacher's activity, student activities; and self-development of subjects of the educational process which is considered to be an active, consistent, progressive and irreversible change in the psychological status of an individual based on the need for self-improvement.

The triad of these pedagogical phenomena is aimed at modelling the educational process in the content of which cognitive and technological components are implemented that promote communicative competence formation as a structural element of communicative culture and its criterion indicator.

To implement the cognitive and technological component of the activity stage, the teacher organizes intersubjective interactive interaction in which it regulates the processes of understanding information extracting, translating, generating and formalizing a meaning. At the same time, the student's subjectivity is stimulated, providing its feedback as an indicator of the bilateral nature of professional-pedagogical interaction. The teacher's assessment of the student's activities at this stage is critical, prompting the student to respond, expressed by the need to resolve the contradiction between the area of knowledge and the area of ignorance. In the process of regulating and stimulating the student's educational and cognitive activity by the teacher, she/he uses methods of stimulating information and communication activities, namely: demonstration of educational and visual aids, use of technical teaching aids, high content and emotionality of presentation of new material by the teacher, the attraction of vivid examples and reasoned facts, creation of problematic situations and professionally oriented tasks.

Thirdly, the latter implies reliance on an externally controlled element of an accidental opening. At the same time, the teacher supports the direction of the student's thought and leads him/her not to open knowledge, but to veiled knowledge revealing “unexpectedly” according to the laws of heuristics.

The research shows that the regulating and stimulating function of the teacher at the activity stage controls the algorithmic-heuristic nature of interaction to achieve a specific result of information and communication activities developing communicative competence. In further logic, the construction of the educational process of communicative culture formation, communicative orientation and information and communication competence act as conditions for the transition to the third and last stage.

Thus, the significant theoretical and empirical material accumulated in pedagogy and related sciences expands possibilities for solving the indicated problem.

4. Conclusion

To sum it up, one can emphasize the idea that under the conditions of the Tajikistan Republic, it is necessary not only for the youth of the indigenous population to the English language but to increase the English-speaking population's knowledge in the field of the state language either. Such a mutual connection will promote the level of communicative culture raising of the future generation. The foreign language knowledge is a high level of general culture, helping to understand one another. Designing on the premise of these structural components forming future teacher's communicative culture should be presented for its implementation in a bilingual educational environment: the presence of a communicative ideal, a system of communicative norms and rules, attitude towards a student as a value with taking into account students` characteristics, knowledge of their communicational skills and accounting as well. The unity and interconnection of all components of the teacher's communicative culture should provide successful professional activities in teaching, upbringing and development of students.

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